Success! Banned May 2024

Write to your MP

Find your MP below to email your support for our campaigns.

We find that contacting your local MP with a personalised message has a greater impact compared to ‘copy and paste’ bulk messages.


Write to your MP

Member of Parliament

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Member From:


When writing to your MP you can either write a letter or send an email. Handwritten letters are often looked at with more thought than a typed email. However, if time is short an email will bring much needed attention for action on this issue.

The address to send a letter to is:

(Name of MP), House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA

  • Your letter should be to the point, brief and factual. 
  • Do mention that you are writing as a concerned constituent and a supporter of the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation. 
  • Always include your address as this lets your MP know you are a genuinely concerned constituent.
  • Finish your letter by asking for a response with a sentence that encourages a reply.

We have written four proforma emails for our campaigns to help you compose your own email or letter.

Email Templates

Dear (name of MP),

I am writing to you as a constituent to urge you to call for a Government Consultation on the use of pig farrowing crates in the UK.

Sows can spend 22% of their adult breeding life (given sows produce an average of 2 litters per year) confined in a crate which severely restricts movement. They are unable to perform many natural behaviours, such as interacting with their piglets, rooting and nest building, or even to turn around. Many will endure painful wounds and sores on their legs, feet and shoulders, caused by slipping or lying on the hard, slatted floors.

Several countries, including Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland, have outlawed this practice, but still around 200,000 sows in the UK suffer in these systems every year (60% of UK sows)

There are alternatives to farrowing crates, many of which are designed by British farmers and engineers, and are already used commercially in the UK and elsewhere. This includes the PigSAFE system developed in the UK and partly funded by Defra. In well designed and well managed free farrowing pens, piglet mortality can be as low or even lower than in farrowing crates.

I urge you to support the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation’s call for an end to farrowing crates.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Your name

Your Address.

Dear (name of MP),

I am writing to ask you to support the Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill which has recently entered the House of Lords. Ending live exports for fattening and slaughter was included in the Conservative Manifesto and Defra’s Action Plan for Animal Welfare.

With a General Election this year, I am keen to ensure this important Bill becomes law as soon as possible. I therefore ask you to actively support the Bill’s stages however possible, to prevent the cruelty of live exports from continuing in the future.

Historically the UK has exported thousands of sheep and calves abroad to France and as far afield as Spain. Overcrowding means that some cannot lie down at all, while those who do may be injured or trampled to death. They can be in transit for days, suffering extremes of temperature and often without sufficient food, water or rest. Please end live exports for fattening and slaughter for good.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Your name

Your Address.

Dear (name of MP),

I am writing to you as a concerned constituent on the continued practice of the use of cages for egg laying hens.

This Easter, it will be two years since Defra promised to launch a Call for Evidence on ending cages for laying hens. Every year the Government delays action, millions more hens are suffering in cages so small they cannot spread their wings – deprived of their natural behaviours such as nesting and foraging.

Luxembourg, Austria, Germany, Slovakia and the Czech Republic have all legislated to end the use of enriched cages for laying hens. I am concerned that the UK will fall behind if we do not take action soon.

I urge you to write to Defra, and the Prime Minister, to express support for this important campaign.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes

Your name

Your Address

Dear (name of MP),

I am writing to you to ask you to support the campaign for clear ‘Method of Production Labelling’ and to include Method of Slaughter’.

Currently, there is no legal requirement to label products with information on how animals farmed for food are reared, with the exception of whole eggs. Mandatory clear labelling allows consumers to make informed choices.

Millions of animals are being farmed for food each year in the UK, and many people have said that good animal welfare is an important consideration for them when shopping – but we believe food labelling is too confusing to allow consumers to make informed choices about which farming systems they want to support – or avoid supporting – when purchasing animal products.

Where method of production labelling exists, as it does for shell eggs it is popular with farmers and with consumers.  Labelling has meant that consumers can identify higher welfare products, “Labels are the only real tool that we consumers have to communicate our preference for higher-welfare products to producers.  Labels empower us to drive standards more effectively and to reward farmers who invest in better farm animal welfare.”

Mandatory method of production labelling of all meat and dairy products is the best way to level the playing field for higher welfare products

We support the British Veterinary Association position on non-stun slaughter. Meat from animals which have not been stunned comes onto the general market but does not have to be labelled. As a result, some consumers are unknowingly buying unstunned meat. We call on the Government for meat to be labelled with method of slaughter so consumers can make an informed choice.

I urge you to support The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation’s campaign for mandatory method of production and method of slaughter labelling.

I look forward to hearing from you,


Best wishes


Your name

Your Address.

Dear (Your MP’s name),

I am writing to you to ask for your support for a ban on the consumption of dog meat in the UK.

I fully appreciate the UK laws and regulations surrounding meat classification and the slaughtering of dogs prohibit its production and consumption in a commercial setting. I also understand that it is illegal to sell dog and cat meat for human consumption and that there is no evidence of people either trading dog or cat meat or indeed eating it in the UK. However, the fact remains, it is still legal for an individual to kill a dog or cat in the UK and to eat it.

I support the campaign to close this loophole in the law. The UK’s leadership in animal welfare is held in very high esteem across the world. If we were to introduce this ban, it would have a tremendously positive effect on the campaigns to ban this horrific practice in countries where it takes place. The recent US ban made huge waves across the world especially as they too don’t have a problem of dog or cat meat eating.

The US has banned the slaughter (i.e. killing) of a dog or cat for human consumption as well as possession of dog and cat meat. That goes for anyone, not just those who are undertaking it commercially. This was made very clear in the recent letters to the Prime Minister from the US Congressmen who brought the law into the US. The recent US regulations therefore go beyond those of the UK. Through this legislation, the US has joined the ranks of Germany, Austria, Taiwan, South Australia and Hong Kong, all of which have bans in place.

There is a strong depth of feeling in Parliament to enact a ban. 22 Conservative MPs supported Giles Watling’s amendment to the Agriculture Bill with additional support from Labour, DUP, SNP and Plaid MPs.

Bill Wiggin MP led a 10 Minute Rule Bill and Jim Shannon MP a Westminster Hall debate in 2019.

The dog meat trade internationally is an exceptionally cruel and outdated practice, resulting in the torment and torture of millions of animals each year. As a nation of animal lovers, and a global leader in animal welfare, we must call out this horrific industry to signal to countries where there is more of a problem, that consuming dog meat should not be tolerated.

It is for these reasons that I urge the Government to deeply consider enacting a ban. As you will have seen from coverage in The Sun and Daily Express it has widespread popular support. Bringing in a ban would be hugely supported and gain little opposition and along with the other excellent laws our Government have been undertaking recently in animal welfare, will help tremendously the UK’s leading international position.

If the UK was to enact a ban on the human consumption of dog meat, it would send a powerful signal that these practices are not acceptable anywhere in the world. The UK’s approach  to animal welfare is recognised the world over, with many countries adopting the Uk’s model when looking to strengthen their animal welfare laws.

Thank you once again for your consideration of this issue and I hope you will add your support for a ban on dog meat consumption in the UK.

Best wishes

Your name


Your Address.

Dear (name of MP),

I am writing to you as a constituent to ask you to attend and support the Second Reading of John Spellar MP’s Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill on 22nd March. I have deep concern regarding the lack of progress in delivering this Manifesto commitment, following the fall of a similar Bill led by Henry Smith MP last year. While I know Fridays are typically difficult for MPs to attend in Parliament, I would like to urge you to make an exception to see this important Bill pass.

Every year that the UK allows trophy hunting imports, we are implicitly condoning the actions of those who kill iconic and often endangered species for pleasure, including rhinos, polar bears and elephants.

In 2019 the Government committed to bring in the toughest trophy hunting rules in the world, following the General Election Manifesto. I urge you to help keep this promise and look forward to hearing your assurance that you will be able to support the Second Reading in March.

Best wishes

Your name

Your Address

Dear (name of MP),

I am writing to you as a constituent to urge you to attend the Westminster Hall Debate on 9th January at 6pm relating to ending the use of snares in the UK following a Government e-petition that attracted over 102,000 signatures.

It is estimated that a staggering 1.7 million animals are caught in snares in England and Wales alone each year, and there are only four countries in the EU where snaring is still permitted. They cause a variety of welfare issues including asphyxiation owing to panic, animals being predated whilst still alive with no means of escape, and lactating animals being caught meaning that their young die of starvation. Snares indiscriminately trap and causes suffering to wild animals including hedgehogs, owls, domestic cats and dogs. One Defra study even showed that up to 68% of all animals caught are non-target.

In 2021 Defra’s Action Plan for Animal Welfare also committed to launching a Call for Evidence on the use of snares. I urge you to attend this important debate and add your voice to the calls for this cruel practice to be outlawed in the UK.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Your name

Your Address.

Find your MP to write and email your support for our campaigns.
