CAWF participates in Defra’s live twitter chat on antibiotics in farming

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation participates in Defra's live twitter chat on the use of antibiotics in farming, 6th October

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation participated in Defra’s live twitter conversation on the Use of Antibiotics in Farming on the 6th October.
Tackling drug resistance is one of the most critical global challenges we face, which is why Defra has committed to reducing antibiotic use in farming.
The live twitter discussion was hosted by Nigel Gibbons, the Chief Vet at Defra and Javier Dominguez, Head of Science, Evidence and Research and Veterinary Director in UK Food Standards Agency.

Questions were asked by the National Farmers Union (NFU), The National Pig Association, Sustainable Food Trust, The Farming Forum and others.

Our question asked what percentage of all antibiotics in the UK are given to farm animals. Javier Dominguez answered us that 35% sold to farm animals. More data in the ‘One Health’ report :

Nigel Gibbons said that its great that Defra are acting to reduce unnecessary use in animals- better for animal welfare and production as well.

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