Protest Against Japanese Whaling March, 26 January 2019

whaling march road embassy conservative animal welfare foundation

On Saturday 26 January 2019, Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation volunteers joined the march to the Japanese Embassy in London to protest the Japanese government’s decision to resume commercial whaling. Speakers at the event included John Flack MEP, the Vice- President of the European Parliament’s Animal Welfare Intergroup, Stanley Johnson, Will Travers of Born Free Foundation, Carrie Symonds, ( our Patron) Bella Lack, Youth Wildlife Ambassador, Dominic Dyer, Peter Hall of the London Committee for the Abolition of Whaling and Lorraine Platt, our Co-founder. video:
The March was well attended and marched through the streets of central London to the Japanese Embassy to protest against Japanese whaling.

Whaling causes immense suffering to whales and must end.

whaling pic group conservative animal welfare foundation no whaling march

stop whaling march conservative animal welfare foundation

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