Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation welcomes John Flack MEP as Patron, January 2019

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation is delighted to welcome John Flack MEP as a Patron. John is the Vice President of the European Parliament’s Animal Welfare Intergroup.

Lorraine Platt, Co-founder said:

“We are honoured that John Flack MEP is our new Patron. John is a strong voice for animal welfare in the European Parliament and in the UK. we look forward to advancing animal welfare objectives together, particularly the end of live animal exports which cause unnecessary suffering to farm animals.”

John launched his book on Animal Welfare Issues ‘Animals Can’t Vote But You Can’ at our fringe event at the party conference on 1 October 2018.

“People need to stop and think about the way we treat animals.”That is the message from John who makes the argument in his newly-released, hard-hitting animal cruelty book focusing on the  abuse of animals in agriculture, tourism and entertainment.The ground breaking book takes aim at current contradicting labelling initiatives with a view for them to be replaced by a single clear and simple regime to let consumers know exactly how animals have been treated.

John further says:“We must change what we are doing, for the animals’ sake and for our own.” The book urges consumers to use commercial muscle to shun entertainment or spectacles involving animal cruelty and to eat only ethically-sourced food.

The book is available for free and a second edition has already been planned which will be released on Amazon and Kindle.

For enquiries about the book, contact Mr Flack on