Ministers, MPs and MEP Speak at CAWF & CEN Reception

Ministers, MPs and MEP Speak at Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation & CEN Reception, Party Conference 1 October 2018

The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation held a fringe reception’ Brexit: Opportunities for Animal Welfare and The Environment’  jointly with CEN at the party’s annual conference in Birmingham on 1 October hosted by Zac Goldsmith MP. Compassion In World Farming sponsored the event.

Speakers included Farming Minister George Eustice, Environment Minister Dr Therese Coffey, Sir David Amess MP, Zac Goldsmith MP, Theresa Villiers MP, John Flack MEP, Lorraine Platt, Co Founder, Sam Richards, CEN Director and Dr Nick Palmer, Head of Compassion UK. Minister David Rutley attended the reception.

Minister George Eustice video  speech:    George Eustice spoke on the new Agriculture’s Bill focus on public money for public goods relating to advancing animal welfare

Minister Dr Therese Coffey video speech:   Minister Therese Coffey spoke on the new Environment Bill and the forthcoming Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference

Theresa Villiers MP video speech: Our Patron- Theresa Villiers MP urges for an end to live animal exports and more.

John Flack MEP video speech:  John is the vice president of the European Parliament’s Animal Welfare Intergroup. His new book’ Animals Can’t Vote But You Can’ was launched at the reception.

Our host Zac Goldsmith MP talked on the great animal welfare measures that have taken place within the last year and the crucial importance of the forthcoming Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference that Zac will champion in London where global leaders will come together to help end the illegal wildlife trade to protect endangered species.

Our Co Founder talked on a range of animal welfare issues, including ending live exports,  ending pig farrowing crates, ending cages for egg laying birds , introducing Method of Production Labelling , and the newly published Agriculture Bill. The forthcoming Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference was focused on including inviting support for the Save the Asian Elephants proposal for a ban on UK advertisements for tourist holidays which include brutality to Asian elephants.  video:

A number of animal welfare issues related to Brexit were discussed at the conference with Ministers, MPs and MEPS.

The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation attends the national party conference every autumn and holds meetings to directly communicate the interests and concerns of grass roots supporters on animal welfare issues.

 Co Founder Lorraine Platt , commented: “We had a series of very useful meetings at the Conservative party conference this year. Whilst the focus of this year’s party conferences will be on Brexit, it provides unique opportunities for animal welfare and the environment. It’s vital that these opportunities are maximised to advance animal welfare.”