Media Release : Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation congratulate the Government on UK Ivory Trade Ban

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation congratulate the Government on this important step to protect the elephant population

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation has been calling for greater protection for elephants which are being decimated for the ivory trade.

Conservative MPs, as well as the Chairmen of the Conservative Women’s Organisation and Conservative Environment Network joined together in the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation’s 30th September letter to the Prime Minister urging for a ban on the UK ivory trade. The letter was copied to Michael Gove, the Environment Secretary

Populations are at an all-time low with the species facing extinction due to the ivory poaching crisis which is killing at least 20,000 elephants each year.

Lorraine Platt, Co-Founder, said:

“We are thrilled with the news and congratulate Michael Gove and the Government. We urge for this policy to be implemented as soon as possible. We have to protect elephants now for the sake of future generations as time is running out for vulnerable elephants whose populations are being decimated on an unprecedented scale. We need to end the UK’s ivory market and save the iconic elephant from the threat of extinction.”

david A ivory

Photo of our Patron Sir David Amess MP at the Conservative party conference on 2nd October with our message

Read the letter signed by Conservative MPs:

mps ivory letter

 Thank you to our Patrons for their kind support for our letter, including Henry Smith MP for his post:

henry smith conservative animal welfare foundation ivory ban photo

 Catholic Concern for Animals writes on its website:

“CCA is pleased to welcomes the decision of the UK Government to open  consultation on a total ban of Ivory Sales in the UK. CCA has been campaigning on this issue for a long time and has recently had numerous articles published in the Catholic press and elsewhere on the subject.

We are particularly pleased at the role that CCA Patron Sir David Amess MP (pictured above) has played in securing this consultation and we know that he has been pressuring the Government on this issue including signing a letter from many senior Conservative MP’S to the Prime Minister only last week which seems to have been crucial in securing the consultation which has just been announced by DEFRA.

CCA will be watching the consultation process with great interest and only a total UK ban on Ivory sales as part of a larger worldwide ban will stop the massacre of Elephants in the wild for their tusks.”

The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation was established in 2016 to raise awareness on the lives of billions of animals reared on intensive farms around the world and how this impacts upon animal welfare, the environment and people’s health. We want to highlight the action people can take to help advance farm animal welfare.

The Conservatives  have announced the following measures to advance animal welfare

•Ban on ivory trade
•Ban of microbeads
•Increased sentences for cruelty
• CCTV in abattoirs

twitter: @ConservativeAWF