Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation Responds to Queen’s Speech 2022

CAWF is pleased to welcome the Government's decision to carry over the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill into the next parliamentary session. This flagship Bill which forms an important part of the Action Plan for Animal Welfare will crucially ban live exports for fattening and slaughter and a number of other measures to protect our farmed animals, pets, and wild animals.

The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF) has responded to the Queen’s Speech delivered by HRH Prince Charles today.

CAWF is pleased to welcome the Government’s decision to carry over the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill into the next parliamentary session. This flagship Bill which forms an important part of the Action Plan for Animal Welfare will crucially ban live exports for fattening and slaughter and a number of other measures to protect our farmed animals, pets, and wild animals.

The Government also committed to legislation to ban the import of hunting trophies from thousands of species. This will be one of the toughest bans in the world and will lead the way in protecting endangered animals and helping to strengthen and support long-term conservation.

Meanwhile The Queen’s Speech did not contain the Government’s promised Animal Welfare (Animals Abroad) Bill. This would have banned adverts of venues abroad relating to unethical elephant attractions and outlawed the import of products which do not meet the UK’s animal welfare standards, including foie gras and farmed fur.

Lorraine Platt, Co-Founder of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation, commented: “We were delighted to see the continuation of the flagship Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill to the next parliamentary session today, which includes an important ban on live exports for fattening and slaughter amongst other measures to protect our farmed animals, pets, and wild animals. We look forward to supporting this vital legislation as it continues its passage through Parliament.

“We also welcome the Government’s commitment to end trophy hunting imports from thousands of species. This ban will enable the UK to play an important role in protecting endangered species abroad and securing long term conservation benefits.

“Finally, we continue to call for the measures included in the Action Plan for Animal Welfare to be delivered in legislation, including banning adverts for unethical elephant related tourist attractions, and a ban on the import of fur and foie gras to the UK.”