Patron Henry Smith MP’s Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill dropped amidst deep disappointment from charities, NGOs and MPs

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF) is deeply disappointed that Patron Henry Smith MP’s Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill has fallen.

London 2nd November 2023

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF) is deeply disappointed that Patron Henry Smith MP’s Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill has fallen.

Over 60 unwelcome amendments were tabled ahead of the Bill’s first day in committee stage in the House of Lords. These were then listed to be debated individually, meaning debate exceeded the parliamentary time scheduled and the Bill did not progress further.

Consequently, there is insufficient parliamentary time for the Bill to now return before the King’s Speech.

Prior to its passage in the Lords the Bill had already completed all of its stages through the elected chamber of the House of Commons and delivered on a critical Conservative Party Manifesto commitment. It also reflected a key component of Defra’s 2021 Action Plan for Animal Welfare.

Throughout its journey in the House of Commons, it had received a resounding endorsement from all political parties.

It also attracted strong support from the British public. In March of last year, polling demonstrated a staggering 86% of people concurred that the UK Government should prohibit trophy hunters from bringing back trophies of hunted animals as soon as possible, with this figure rising to 92% among Conservative voters.

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation is now calling on Defra to urgently establish this legislation as a Government Bill so that it can be delivered before the next General Election.

Baroness Fookes, Patron of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation, commented: “I am not simply disappointed by the failure of the Bill to make progress through the House of Lords, I am angry that a relative handful of peers were able to block it. I urge the Government to pick up the Bill itself in the new Session.

The peers in opposition to it did offer me a so-called compromise which would lead them to drop their opposition. In fact, it would simply have driven a coach and horses through the legislation and make it even more difficult to get an effective bill on the statute book. So my answer was No!”

Henry Smith MP, Patron of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation, commented:The Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill was unanimously approved by the House of Commons earlier this year. It was not in fact defeated in the House of Lords – rather it fell as a result of parliamentary procedure following the use of delaying tactics. I am urging Government to live up to its pledge to introduce this ban and work to get this Manifesto commitment on the statute book.”

Lorraine Platt, Co-Founder of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation, commented:We are deeply frustrated and disappointed at the news our Patron Henry Smith MP’s Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill has fallen due to insufficient parliamentary time.

“We would like to thank Henry Smith for his incredible work on this important subject and securing the Bill’s passage through the House of Commons. We would also like to thank our Patron Baroness Fookes for her work in sponsoring the Bill through the House of Lords. In order to honour a critical Manifesto commitment, we urge the Government to reinstate Henry’s Bill as Government legislation without delay. Only then can Great Britain truly consider itself a world leader in global conservation.”

About Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF)

The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation was established in 2016 to raise awareness on the lives of billions of animals reared on intensive farms around the world and how this impact upon animal welfare, the environment and people’s health. We want to highlight the action people can take to help advance farm animal welfare.

Animal welfare is an increasing concern amongst the public, who frequently look to Government to take the lead in both maintaining and improving standards.

The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation believes it is highly important that the welfare of farm animals is placed at the forefront of the Governments plan for food and farming along with its focus on productivity, competitiveness, and technology.

Media contact: Sophia Stileman (


The King’s Speech sets out the UK Government’s legislative priorities for the upcoming parliamentary session. Unfortunately, it did not commit to a Government Bill to end trophy hunting imports, despite it being a key Conservative Party Manifesto commitment.

Our Patron Henry Smith MP led a Private Members Bill – the Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill – through its passage in the House of Commons earlier this year. Over 60 unwelcome amendments were tabled ahead of the Bill’s Committee Stage in the House of Lords. These were then listed to be debated individually, meaning debate exceeded the parliamentary time scheduled and the Bill did not progress further.

We are therefore asking you to sign and share this petition led by English actor Peter Egan which requests that a new Trophy Hunting Bill is introduced to Parliament as soon as possible.

Follow the link above to sign the petition and share it on social media. Every year we allow trophy hunting imports, we are implicitly condoning the actions of those who kill iconic and often endangered species for pleasure, including rhinos, polar bears and elephants. We hope you will join us in the campaign to see this country end its role in this vile trade.