Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation Christmas Newsletter 2023

We take a look back at some of our highlights from 2023
Dear Friend,

We are writing to you today with our festive round up of the year’s various activities and campaigns for animals. And what a year it’s been! From the passing of the Animals (Low Welfare Activities Abroad) Act and the Shark Fins Act, our advocacy overseas in the US, our invitation to Downing Street, to the launch of the Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill – there has been much to celebrate in 2023.

This year we had a record five receptions: our Crate Escape parliamentary reception hosted by Mark Francois MP; our Fish Welfare parliamentary reception hosted by Lord Trees; a parliamentary drop-in to celebrate ‘Emilie’s Law’ led by our Patron Anna Firth MP; a joint reception hosted by George Eustice MP to deliver the Kept Animals Bill measures; and our World Farm Animal Day Conservative Party Conference Reception hosted by Anna Firth MP with a speech by Defra Minister Rebecca Pow MP. Each and every one of these events has been well supported by our Patrons, MPs, Peers and NGOs, and have proven fantastic opportunities to raise the plight of animals in the UK.

We also launched a landmark report written by our Head of Research Dr Steven McCulloch this year which revealed a significant gap between what the British public demands as citizens and consumers, and the realities of what they receive via UK intensive farming industry methods of production and practices. We hope you enjoy reading this important report which was accompanied by an opinion piece by our Co-Founder Lorraine Platt in Politics Home.

The summer also saw the publication of our 2024 Manifesto ‘Leading the Way for Animals’ which was featured in The Daily Express and distributed to MPs from across political parties. Key amongst our core recommendations for the Conservative Party’s General Election Manifesto were calls for: an end to live exports for fattening and slaughter; a transition away from the use of farrowing crates for sows and cages for laying hens; the implementation of mandatory animal welfare labelling; and legislation to protect farmed fish welfare.

The year has had it’s challenging moments too – with the dropping of the Animal Welfare Labelling Consultation, the discontinuation of the Kept Animals Bill and the falling of our Patron Henry Smith MP’s Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill. But we have been delighted to see Defra hold firm to their word and deliver the Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill in early December. This vital Bill will honour a key Conservative Manifesto commitment and component of Defra’s Action Plan for Animal Welfare. We are thrilled this legislation has become a reality and look forward to supporting its passage through Parliament.

We would like to say a big thank you to all of our Patrons who work hard all year round to champion animal welfare in Parliament, as well as the entire Defra team led by Secretary of State Steve Barclay MP.

On behalf of the whole CAWF team, we thank you for your kind support and wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

With best wishes,
Chris, Lorraine and the team
15th March…

…The Crate Escape campaign holds parliamentary reception

Mark Francois MP hosted a reception for the Crate Escape coalition led by Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF) and supported by Humane Society International/UK and Compassion in World Farming. The campaign calls on the Government to ban farrowing crates and support farmers with the cost of transitioning away from their use. Many MPs and Peers attended the reception, including former Secretary of State for Defra George Eustice MP, and CAWF Patrons Anna Firth MP, Henry Smith MP, Sir Roger Gale MP and Theresa Villiers MP.

A giant Mother’s Day card signed by dozens of MPs, Peers and celebrities, including Dame Joanna Lumley, was delivered to Defra after the reception. It asked then-Defra Secretary of State Thérèse Coffey MP to ‘please give pigs a happier Mother’s Day’ and urged her to deliver on the Government’s 2021 intention to launch a Consultation on a farrowing crate ban.
Left to right: Dr Steven McCulloch, Head of Research at CAWF; Lorraine Platt, Co-Founder of CAWF; host Mark Francois MP; Chris Platt, Co-Founder of CAWF; Patron and speaker Anna Firth MP; and Suzanne Webb MP
21st March…

…Parliamentarians, NGOs and industry gather in Parliament to call for protections for farmed fish at the time of slaughter in the UK

The Humane League UK, Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF), Compassion in World Farming (CIWF), RSPCA and Soil Association organised a parliamentary reception to highlight the lack of legal protection for farmed fish at the time of their slaughter in the UK. 

The reception, hosted by Crossbench Peer Lord Trees, highlighted the 55 million fish farmed annually in the UK – including 12 million trout in England – which do not receive the same legal protections at the time of slaughter as other terrestrial farmed animals. This is despite the scientific and legal recognition that fish are sentient, as set out in the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act 2022.

Speakers included host Lord Trees, Shadow Defra Minister Daniel Zeichner MP, RSPCA Senior Scientific Officer Sean Black and Ronnie Soutar, Head of Veterinary Services at Scottish Sea Farms. Many MPs and Peers attended, including Baroness Fookes, Henry Smith MP and Sir Roger Gale MP.
10th May…

…CAWF welcomes the launch of Emilie’s Law led by Patron Anna Firth MP

Later in May our Patron Anna Firth MP launched her Private Members Bill, the Animal Welfare (Responsibility for Dog Attacks) Bill (also known as ‘Emilie’s Law’). 

The new legislation would have addressed a key gap in the law which currently states that a dog owner is not liable for any form of prosecution when their dog fatally attacks another dog. The Bill was informally named ‘Emilie’s Law’ after Anna Firth MP’s constituent Michael’s bichon frise who lost her life to a dog attack in 2021 at a park in Leigh-on-Sea. It would criminalise fatal dog-on-dog attacks in the UK, ensuring that irresponsible dog owners are held to account.

The First Reading took place on 23rd May and was sponsored by a number of leading MPs across parties, including Mark Francois MP, Sir Oliver Heald MP, Henry Smith MP, Selaine Saxby MP, Wayne David MP and Margaret Ferrier MP.

Following the First Reading, supportive MPs gathered on the steps of Westminster Hall to show support for the Bill.
25th May…

…CAWF responds to the discontinuation of the Kept Animals Bill

On 25th May the Government announced the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill would be discontinued, and its measures would instead be carried forward through alternative legislative vehicles. CAWF responded with a statement which expressed strong disappointment, but pledged to support the Government’s approach to deliver the measures through other legislative routes.

The statement said: “While disappointed with the Government’s decision, we remain committed to ensuring the welfare of animals and welcome commitments by the Minister that the measures established by the Kept Animals Bill could be upheld through alternative legislative vehicles. Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation will support the creation of Private Members Bills and urge the Department to ensure the swift delivery of such legislation.”

The full statement can be read by clicking on the image below. Further to the announcement, CAWF Patron Theresa Villiers MP had a comment piece in Politics Home urging the measures of the Bill to be delivered as soon as possible, while Andrea Jenkyns MP launched a petition to see the Bill returned. 
CAWF Co-Founder Lorraine Platt discusses the discontinuation of the Kept Animals Bill on Talk TV at 1hr 49 minutes
25th May…

…CAWF welcomes launch of Animal Sentience Committee

In May the Government also launched the first-ever Animal Sentience Committee with the appointment of five new members.

The Animal Sentience Committee is an independent body which will support Parliament in providing expert advice on how policies across Government Departments consider and impact upon animal welfare. This forms a key part of the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act passed in 2022 and delivers on a Conservative Manifesto commitment.
19th June…

…Shark Fins Act becomes law

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation welcomed the passing of the Shark Fins Act into law. This was a Private Members Bill led by Labour MP Christina Rees and led in the House of Lords by Baroness Jones of Whitchurch.

The Shark Fins Act bans the import and export of detached shark fins in order to promote shark conservation. It will extend to imported and exported products containing shark fins including tinned shark fin soup.
26th June…

…CAWF invited to Downing Street to discuss advancing animal welfare in the UK

At the end of June Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation Co-Founders Chris and Lorraine Platt were invited to discuss the advancement of animal welfare in the UK with officials at 10 Downing Street.

This included the delivery of measures included in the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill, as well as other key campaigns to improve the lives of farmed animals such as ending cages for laying hens.
1st July…

…CAWF launches 2024 Manifesto with new public polling revealing animal welfare is a key consideration for voters

At the start of July Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation launched its 2024 Manifesto which set out its key policy recommendations for the Conservative Party to adopt in their 2024 General Election Manifesto.

The Manifesto included exclusive polling commissioned by CAWF and carried out by Opinium. The polling shows strong public support for political parties who legislate to enhance the lives of animals, and the extent to which the public values animal welfare as a consideration when casting their vote.

CAWF is calling for the Conservative Party to adopt the following key measures into the General Election 2024 Manifesto:
  1. End live exports for fattening and slaughter. Polling shows over a third (38%) of people think ending live exports is the most, or one of the most, important issues for them.
  2. Commit to a fixed and fair phase out period of the use of farrowing crates for sows and gilts in the UK. Farrowing crates are small cages which sows are kept in for weeks at a time during their breeding lives. They are so restrictive the sow cannot even turn around or interact with her piglets.
  3. Commit to a fixed and fair phase out period for enriched cages for laying hens. Although cage-free eggs are increasingly popular with consumers, 35% (some 14 million birds) still live in cages.
  4. Introduce mandatory animal welfare labelling on all meat products for human consumption. Polling shows two in three (64%) of 2019 Conservative voters would support the introduction of a mandatory animal welfare labelling system.
  5. Legislate to ensure farmed fish have the equivalent legal protection to that of terrestrial farmed animals. This is particularly important at the time of slaughter – we are calling for all fish to be stunned prior to killing. Despite both being recognised as sentient in UK law, farmed fish do not receive the same protections as terrestrial farmed animals.
The Manifesto was covered in The Express here. To read the full Manifesto and the polling results, click the image below.
19th July…

…CAWF responds to Defra’s decision to drop key Consultation on animal welfare labelling

Later in July Defra announced they do not “consider the time is right to consult on proposals to reform labelling for animal welfare”.

This followed the Government’s Call for Evidence at the end of 2021 which gathered data on the impacts, cost, and deliverability of different types of labelling reforms for animal welfare, which CAWF responded to. Defra received over 1600 responses which overwhelmingly supported the introduction of mandatory labelling.

The implementation of mandatory animal welfare labelling is one of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation’s core campaigns. Through informing consumers about the standards by which animals have been reared, they are empowered to make decisions which align with their beliefs.

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation pledged to continue to campaign for mandatory labelling to be introduced, and hopes that the Government will reconsider their decision.
24th July…

…CAWF launches landmark report revealing the vast majority of modern British farming is out of sync with public demand for high animal welfare standards

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation launched a landmark report ‘Farm Animal Welfare in the UK: What Does the British Public Want?’ which revealed a significant gap between what the British public demands as citizens and consumers, and the realities of what they receive via UK farming industry methods of production and practices.

The report was authored by Dr Steven McCulloch, veterinary surgeon, expert in animal welfare and Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation Head of Research. It reviewed a wealth of polling, research, and data to reveal the vast majority of modern British farming is out of sync with public demand for high animal welfare standards.

Henry Smith, Conservative MP for Crawley and Patron of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation, commented: “In 2023 it is shocking to me that so many of our farmed animals are still reared indoors, and in cages, unable to perform natural behaviours. It is the role of policymakers to ensure farming practices reflect high standards, and introduce legislation where needed to end the suffering of animals like laying hens and pigs on British farms who spend much of their miserable lives behind bars.”

Dame Andrea Jenkyns, Conservative MP for Morley and Outwood, commented: “Today’s report confirms what we have known for many years – that the UK public cares deeply for animals and demands high farm animal welfare standards for the food they consume. I hope today’s report is a wakeup call for Government to recognise the welfare gap that exists between consumer demand and farming practices.”

Lord Zac Goldsmith, former Environment Minister and Patron of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation, commented: “Today’s report by Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation is yet more proof, if it were needed, that we are a nation of animal lovers. But despite clear public support for higher welfare farming, intensive and low welfare practices still dominate across the majority of farms in the UK. It is time to address this welfare gap and support farmers to adopt higher welfare practices which reflect the public’s concern for the animals they consume.”
29th July…

…CAWF Co-Founder Chris Platt delivers speech at the Animal and Vegan Advocacy Summit in Los Angeles

At the end of July Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation Co-Founder Chris Platt delivered a speech at the 2023 Animal and Vegan Advocacy (AVA) Summit in Los Angeles, United States.

In his speech to delegates, Chris spoke about the formation of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation and the importance of engaging with policymakers and legislators across political divides. He emphasised the importance of building a genuine and effective Conservative animal welfare movement.

Chris also touched on the principle of longtermism, which “calls for the contemplation of our actions and policies, and how they impact on future generations and all living beings, including animals“.

He added that: “Animals don’t care who you work with. They don’t care whether you are left or right, Democrat or Republican. They care about how you affect change.”
CAWF Co-Founder Chris Platt (right) with Lisa Levinson, Campaigns Director at In Defense of Animals, Altamush Saeed, Co-Director at Charity Doings Foundation, and Renee King-Sonnen, Founder at Rowdy Girl Sanctuary, at the AVA Summit 2023.
19th September…

…CAWF welcomes the Animals (Low Welfare Activities Abroad) Act into law

In September we welcomed the Animals (Low Welfare Activities Abroad) Act championed by Angela Richardson MP in the House of Commons and led by Lord Black in the House of Lords.
28th September…

…Lord Gascoigne joins Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation as a Patron

At the end of September Lord Gascoigne joined CAWF as a Patron. He has an impressive record serving in key roles within the Conservative Party. He served as Political Secretary to Prime Minister Boris Johnson from 2019 to 2021 and Deputy Chief of Staff from 2021 to 2022, during which time several key animal welfare measures were delivered such as the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act. Previously, he was also a Special Adviser in the Foreign Office from 2016 to 2018.

In 2023, he was nominated for a life peerage and was created Lord Gascoigne. He was introduced to the House of Lords on 18th July 2023.
28th September…

…CAWF welcomes updated Animal Welfare Committee Opinion on the welfare of farmed fish at the time of killing

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation welcomed the publication of the ‘Update to the 2014 FAWC Opinion on the welfare of farmed fish at the time of killing’ by the Animal Welfare Committee (AWC) in September.

In their updated Opinion the AWC reiterated its core recommendations from its last Opinion on the same subject almost a decade ago, that Government should legislate to ensure all farmed fish are stunned before killing using stun/kill methods or that killing takes place before consciousness is regained.

They also state:
  1. Government legislation should include requirements for mandatory inspections.
  2. CCTV should be used at farmed fish slaughter sites, with recordings kept for 90 days and available to inspectors.
  3. Regulations should be put in place to ensure that there are reasonable enforcement powers and penalties for those who fail to comply with the legislation.
  4. Fish welfare must be monitored and protected no matter the location of the stunning and slaughter system.
  5. Voluntary codes and assurance standards should be reviewed regularly and updated as the knowledge of fish welfare develops through scientific research.
The Opinion also highlights the welfare of ‘cleaner fish’, primarily lumpfish and wrasse species who are used as cleaning agents on fish farms. They state that regulations for the killing of farmed fish should apply to cleaner fish used in the farming process. The CAWF report on fish welfare at the time of slaughter can be read here, and the report on cleaner fish can be read here.

You can read the full press release below which includes comments from Animal Equality and Compassion in World Farming.
2nd October

…CAWF holds World Farm Animal Day Reception at Conservative Party Conference

At the start of October Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation held its World Farm Animal Day reception at Conservative Party Conference in Manchester.

The reception was hosted by CAWF Patron Anna Firth MP, and included contributions from Defra Minister Rebecca Pow MP, former Secretary of State for Defra and CAWF Patron Theresa Villiers MP, former Home Office Minister Kevin Foster MP, Deputy Leader of the Scottish Conservatives Meghan Gallacher MSP, and animal welfare champion Jane Stevenson MP.

Many guests including MPs, MSPs, NGOs, charities and media attended the Chester Suite at the Midland Hotel in support of World Farm Animal Day. CAWF was delighted that world renowned British explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes joined as a special guest, in support of Patron Henry Smith MP’s Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill being sponsored at the time by Baroness Fookes in the House of Lords.
Speakers from left to right: Meghan Gallacher MSP, Defra Minister Rebecca Pow MP, host and CAWF Patron Anna Firth MP, Kevin Foster MP, and Patron Theresa Villiers MP.
5th October

…Jane Stevenson MP joins Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation as a Patron

Later in October Jane Stevenson MP became a Patron of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation.

Before standing for Parliament in 2019, Jane worked as a freelance classical singer and was also a local councillor in her home city of Wolverhampton. She now serves on the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee and is a Parliamentary Private Secretary in the Department for Business and Trade.

Jane Stevenson is a champion for animal welfare. In 2021 she introduced the Glue Traps (Offences) Act which will end the use of cruel glue traps. She has also vocally supported CAWF Patron Henry Smith MP’s Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill and several other key campaigns including ending live exports for fattening and slaughter and tackling pet theft. Jane hosted the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation ‘World Animal Day’ Conservative Party Conference Reception in memory of the late Sir David Amess MP in 2022.
11th October

…Baroness Fookes joins Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation as a Patron

Baroness Fookes DBE also became a Patron in October. She was a Conservative MP for 27 years, first for Merton and Morden in 1970 and later for Plymouth Drake from 1974 to 1997. During this time, she served as Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons from 1992 to 1997 and was made a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) in 1989. In 1997 she was made a Life Peer as Baroness Fookes and became Deputy Lieutenant of East Sussex in 2001.

Having seen 12 Prime Ministers in Downing Street, she has had an exceptionally long career in both Houses and continues to be fully active in bringing to the fore many issues relating to animal welfare. She served on the Council of the RSPCA from 1975 to 1992 and was its Chair from 1979 to 1981.

As an MP, Baroness Fookes was one of the first to speak out against the cruel live export trade. In recent years, she has steered the Glue Traps (Offences) Bill (now Act) through the House of Lords. She also took on sponsorship of the Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill in the House of Lords from Patron Henry Smith MP who had successfully piloted through all its stages in the House of Commons.
19th October

…CAWF joins leading charities and NGOs to call for provisions of the Kept Animals Bill to be delivered

Later in October Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation joined a coalition of leading charities and NGOs including Compassion in World Farming (CIWF), Humane Society International UK (HSI/UK) and RSPCA for a joint parliamentary reception hosted by former Secretary of State for Defra George Eustice MP.

The event called for legislation to:
  • End live exports from Great Britain for slaughter or fattening
  • Ban the import of puppies and kittens under 6 months, along with other restrictions such as the import of dogs with cropped ears
  • Make dog abduction a specific offense
More than 40 MPs from the Conservatives, Labour, Lib Dem, SNP and DUP parties were in attendance, including Leader of the House of Commons Penny Mordaunt MP.
29th October…

…CAWF Co-Founder Chris Platt speaks on panel at the Reducetarian Summit 2023 in Denver, Colorado

At the end of October Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation Co-Founder Chris Platt spoke on a panel at the 2023 Reducetarian Summit in Denver, Colorado. The Summit, with more than 600 delegates, took place over three days in Denver at The Westin Denver Downtown featuring more than 100 speakers.

As part of the ‘Expanding Our Outreach: How to Reach New Audiences’ panel, Chris took part in an interactive question and answer session. He emphasised the role of language in building a positive narrative about reducing meat consumption and highlighted the importance of showing the benefits to the economy and health services.

His co-panellists included AJ Albrecht, Managing Director of Mercy for Animals; David Meyer, CEO and Co-Founder of Food System Innovations; Matt Scott, Director of Storytelling and Engagement at Project Drawdown; and David Barnett, Founder of of PopSockets.
2nd November

…Patron Henry Smith MP’s Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill falls in the House of Lords

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation expressed deep disappointment that Patron Henry Smith MP’s Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill fell in the House of Lords at the start of November.

Over 60 unwelcome amendments were tabled ahead of the Bill’s first day in Committee Stage in the House of Lords. These were then listed to be debated individually, meaning debate exceeded the parliamentary time scheduled and the Bill did not progress further. Consequently, there was insufficient parliamentary time for the Bill to return before the King’s Speech.

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation pledged to continue calling on Defra to deliver this important Manifesto commitment before the next General Election.

Baroness Fookes, Patron of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation, commented: “I am not simply disappointed by the failure of the Bill to make progress through the House of Lords, I am angry that a relative handful of peers were able to block it. I urge the Government to pick up the Bill itself in the new Session.

“The peers in opposition to it did offer me a so-called compromise which would lead them to drop their opposition. In fact, it would simply have driven a coach and horses through the legislation and make it even more difficult to get an effective bill on the statute book. So my answer was No!”

Henry Smith MP, Patron of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation, commented: “The Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill was unanimously approved by the House of Commons earlier this year. It was not in fact defeated in the House of Lords – rather it fell as a result of parliamentary procedure following the use of delaying tactics. I am urging Government to live up to its pledge to introduce this ban and work to get this Manifesto commitment on the statute book.”
7th November

…CAWF welcomed the inclusion of a Live Exports Bill in the King’s Speech 2023

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation welcomed the inclusion of an Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill in the King’s Speech document to mark the opening of Parliament. The Speech contained a comprehensive overview of the Government’s priorities for the upcoming Parliamentary Session.

The Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill will ban the export of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses for slaughter and fattening from Great Britain, stopping unnecessary stress, exhaustion and injury caused by exporting live animals.

Lorraine Platt, Co-Founder of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation, commented: “We are thrilled to welcome the Government’s commitment to introduce the Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill in the upcoming Parliamentary Session. This critical measure will ensure the cruel live export trade is confined to the history books where it belongs, and spare countless animals the suffering they endure on journeys overseas. We are grateful to Defra and Downing Street for their leadership on this important subject, and look forward to supporting its introduction in due course.”
13th November

…CAWF welcomes new Secretary of State for Defra the Rt Hon. Steve Barclay MP

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation welcomed the appointment of Steve Barclay MP as Secretary of State for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in mid-November following a Government reshuffle.

CAWF called for the new Secretary of State to introduce the Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill announced in the King’s Speech as soon as possible. CAWF also called on the new Defra leader to honour commitments to launch Consultations on ending cages for laying hens, ending the use of farrowing crates for sows on British farms, as well as implementing mandatory animal welfare labelling.
4th December

…CAWF welcomed the introduction of the Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill in the House of Commons

Since the founding of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation in 2016, ending live exports for fattening and slaughter has been a core campaign. After many parliamentary events, Conservative Party Conference receptions, letters, reports, and rallies, CAWF was delighted that this Bill took its first step towards becoming legislation at the start of December. Most recently, in October Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation held its annual World Farm Animal Day reception at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester and pressed for an end to live exports.

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation expressed thanks to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak MP, Secretary of State for Defra Steve Barclay MP and the Defra team for their support for this critical measure which will spare many animals the suffering they endure on long journeys overseas.

Prior to the First Reading Co-Founder of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation Lorraine Platt had an opinion piece on delivering this important Bill in Comment Central.
6th December

…CAWF welcomes three animal welfare Private Members Bills

CAWF welcomed the introduction of three significant animal welfare bills in Parliament on 6th December: The Animal Welfare (Import of Dogs, Cats and Ferrets) Bill sponsored by Selaine Saxby MP, the Pet Abduction Bill sponsored by Anna Firth MP (CAWF Patron), and the Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill sponsored by John Spellar MP.

These bills signify an important step forward in the UK’s commitment to advancing animal welfare and delivering Conservative Manifesto commitments.
  • The Animal Welfare (Import of Dogs, Cats and Ferrets) Bill sponsored by Selaine Saxby introduces stringent measures to regulate the import of these pets, ensuring their health and safety during transportation and deterring illegal trade practices. This reflects a Manifesto commitment and part of Defra’s Action Plan for Animal Welfare.
  • The Pet Abduction Bill, sponsored by CAWF Patron Anna Firth MP, addresses the distressing issue of pet theft. By recognising pets as sentient beings rather than mere property, this Bill seeks to impose stricter penalties on perpetrators, thus providing greater security for pet owners and their beloved animals. This is a pledge in Defra’s Action Plan for Animal Welfare.
  • The Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill, sponsored by John Spellar MP, aims to ban the import of hunting trophies from endangered species. This is a key Manifesto commitment and part of Defra’s Action Plan for Animal Welfare.
18th December

…CAWF welcomes the Second Reading of the Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill

On Monday this week the Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill passed its Second Reading in the House of Commons, led by Secretary of State Steve Barclay MP and Minister Mark Spencer MP.

During the Second Reading, several Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation Patrons and MPs contributed, including Anna Firth MP and Theresa Villiers MP. In her speech, Theresa Villiers MP described the “shocking conditions” animals endure on overseas journeys including injuries, hunger, thirst and inability to rest. Mark Francois MP also spoke in support of the Bill, and highlighted the years of work spent tirelessly campaigning on this issue by late CAWF Patron and friend Sir David Amess MP.

Secretary of State Steve Barclay MP opened the debate and said the Bill will “cement our position as a world leader on animal welfare”. In his concluding remarks, Farming Minister Mark Spencer MP said this legislation “signals to our international partners our firm commitment to improving animal welfare standards for all kept animals and reinforces our position as a global leader on this important issue”.
15th January…

…Committee Stage of the Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill

On Monday 15th January the Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill will receive its Committee Stage. CAWF looks forward to supporting the Bill as its continues its passage through the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

19th January…

…Second Reading of Patron Anna Firth MP’s Pet Abduction Bill

On Friday 19th January CAWF Patron Anna Firth MP’s Pet Abduction Bill will receive its Second Reading in the House of Commons. MPs will have the opportunity to attend a photo opportunity after the Second Reading, to show their support for the Bill.

24th January…

…All Party Group on Animal Welfare meeting on fish welfare

On 24th January the All Party Group on Animal Welfare (APGAW) will hold its second meeting ever on the subject of fish welfare. Contributors will include a representative from CAWF as well as industry stakeholders, NGOs and charities in the sector.

15th March…

…Second Reading of Selaine Saxby MP’s Animal Welfare (Import of Dogs, Cats and Ferrets) Bill

On 15th March the Animal Welfare (Import of Dogs, Cats and Ferrets) Bill will receive its Second Reading. The Bill will regulate the import of these pets, ensuring their health and safety during transportation and deterring illegal trade practices.

22nd March…

…Second Reading of John Spellar MP’s Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill

The Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill will ban the import of hunting trophies from endangered species into Great Britain. 

…and much more!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The CAWF Team

About Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF)

The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation was established in 2016 to raise awareness on the lives of billions of animals reared on intensive farms around the world and how this impact upon animal welfare, the environment and people’s health. We want to highlight the action people can take to help advance farm animal welfare.

Animal welfare is an increasing concern amongst the public, who frequently look to Government to take the lead in both maintaining and improving standards.

The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation believes it is highly important that the welfare of farm animals is placed at the forefront of the Governments plan for food and farming along with its focus on productivity, competitiveness, and technology.

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